

4. Interesting facts about animals and birds

If a lobster loses an eye or a claw it can usually grow a new one.

The male Darwin's frog keeps his tadpoles in his vocal sac until they develop into frogs. He then coughs them up.

A honey bee has four wings.

The head of a jellyfish is called the "Bell".

Male moths can smell female moths from over seven miles away. They do not have noses but detect odor molecules using their antennae.

The dragonfly has not changed over the last 300 million years.

Save a Spider Day, celebrated on March 14th, encourages people to appreciate spiders, who eat lots of insects that can spread disease.

The world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny.

The Tuatara, a lizard-like reptile from New Zealand has three eyes. The third eye is on top of its head.

A housefly can only ingest liquid material. They regurgitate their food to liquify the food that they are going to eat.

Sharks have upper and lower eyelids, but they do not blink.

Sometimes octopuses eat their own arms, a behavior probably caused by a virus.

Giant squids have the largest eyes on the planet, the size of soccer balls.

The majority of cats do not have any eyelashes.

The polar bear is the largest and most powerful carnivore on land, has no natural predators, and knows no fear of humans,

An octopus can squeeze through a one inch hole.

A white tiger can only be born when both parents carry the gene for white colouring.
